QA PhD System

Deming PDCA cycle

In order to meet AVA3 requirements, the PhD School of the University of Turin employs a Quality Assurance System, to which the PhD Program refers.

ANVUR has proposed a new Model for the periodic accreditation of premises, Departments, University Courses and PhD programmes (AVA 3). This is in response to a need that emerged at European level and was supported by ENQA 'European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education' and EQAR 'European Quality Assurance Register'.

AQ, Monitoring and Self-Evaluation Committee

Domenico Bosco (Coordinator)
Paolo Gonthier (PhD Board member)
Silvia Canna (PhD students' representative)
Peter John Mazzoglio (PhD Office and AQ reference person)

Its main tasks consist in:

This activity produces proposals to be presented to the Coordinator and the PhD board, for the activation of any corrective or improvement actions for the purposes of implementing the quality of the PhD Programme.


Ultima modifica: 20/02/2025 14:48